Action, Adventure, Animation, Comedy
When Donald Duck leaves town to join the Navy, nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie are left in the care of Donald's uncle, Scrooge McDuck. However, Scrooge has little time for family as he is kept busy protecting his vast fortune from the notorious Beagle Boys.
Rated: TV-Y7
Directed By
Jamie Mitchell, Steve Clark, Terence Harrison, James T. Walker, Rick Leon, Bob Hathcock, Alan Zaslove (canon), David Block -
Written By
Mark Zaslove, Bruce Reid Schaefer, Michael Keyes, David Weimers, Tedd Anasti, Doug Hutchinson, Bruce Talkington, Evelyn Gabai, Jymn Magon, Patsy Cameron, Len Uhley, Alan Burnett (canon), Ken Koonce, Jeffrey Scott, Carl Barks, Sharman Divono, Anthony Adams, Mark Seidenberg, Richard Merwin -
Chuck McCann, Russi Taylor, Frank Welker, Hal Smith, Joan Gerber, Alan Young, Terence McGovern -