Recess portrays the lives of six fourth graders at Third Street Elementary School, where students have set up a microcosm of traditional human society complete with its own government, class system and set of unwritten laws. They are ruled by a monarch, a sixth grader named King Bob, who has various enforcers to make sure his decrees are carried out. The society has a long list of rigid values and social norms that imposes a high expectation of conformity upon all the students.
Directed By
Paul Germain, Brenda Piluso, Howy Parkins, Chuck Sheetz, Susie Dietter -
Written By
Holly Huckins, Phil Walsh, Michael Kramer, Joe Ansolabehere, Sandy Adomaitis, Ford Riley, Libby Bideau, Mark Drop, David Pitlik, Bart Jennett -
Ashley Johnson, Rickey D'Shon Collins, Pamela Adlon, Courtland Mead, Jason Davis, Andrew Lawrence